
Showing posts with the label Run HTTP Flood DDoS Attacks: Wreckuests

Run HTTP Flood DDoS Attacks: Wreckuests

Stress Testing: Run HTTP Flood DDoS Attacks      Wreckuests is a script, which allows you to run DDoS attacks with HTTP-flood(GET/POST). It’s written in pure Python and uses proxy-servers as “bots”. This script is published for educational purposes only! Features Cache bypass with random ?abcd=efg parameter CloudFlare detection and notification of Automatic gzip/deflate toggling HTTP Authentication bypass UserAgent substitution Referers randomizer HTTP proxy support …and everything else that kennethreitz/requests can do Dependencies Python 3.5+ Requests 2.10.0 or higher netaddr (tested with 0.7.19) Usage Type under sudo mode: python3 -v <target url> -a <login:pass> -t <timeout> Possible parameters -h or --help: Prints a message with possible parameters. -v or --victim: Specifies a link to the victim’s site page. It could be the website’s main page, someone’s profile, .php-file or even image. Everything that has a lot of weight or is hard fo...