
Showing posts with the label CTF Framework and Exploit Development Library: pwntools

CTF Framework and Exploit Development Library: pwntools

CTF Framework and Exploit Development Library     pwntools is a CTF framework and exploit development library. Written in Python, it is designed for rapid prototyping and development, and intended to make exploit writing as simple as possible. Whether you’re using it to write exploits, or as part of another software project will dictate how you use it.     Historically pwntools was used as a sort of exploit-writing DSL. Simply doing from pwn import * in a previous version of pwntools would bring all sorts of nice side-effects. When redesigning pwntools for 2.0 two different modules were desined. pwnlib, a  nice, clean Python module, and pwn which is to be used during CTFs. CTF Framework and Exploit Development Library: pwntools pwntools v3.5 Released pwn — Toolbox optimized for CTFs The purpose of this module lies in its ability to get a lot of side-effects by default. It does the following: Imports everything from the toplevel pwnlib along with functions from a...