Run HTTP Flood DDoS Attacks: Wreckuests

Stress Testing: Run HTTP Flood DDoS Attacks

     Wreckuests is a script, which allows you to run DDoS attacks with HTTP-flood(GET/POST). It’s written in pure Python and uses proxy-servers as “bots”. This script is published for educational purposes only!


Cache bypass with random ?abcd=efg parameter
CloudFlare detection and notification of
Automatic gzip/deflate toggling
HTTP Authentication bypass
UserAgent substitution
Referers randomizer
HTTP proxy support
…and everything else that kennethreitz/requests can do


Python 3.5+
Requests 2.10.0 or higher
netaddr (tested with 0.7.19)


Type under sudo mode:

python3 -v <target url> -a <login:pass> -t <timeout>

Possible parameters

-h or --help:

Prints a message with possible parameters.

-v or --victim:

Specifies a link to the victim’s site page. It could be the website’s main page, someone’s profile, .php-file or even image. Everything that has a lot of weight or is hard for server to give. The choice is yours.

-a or --auth:

Parameter for bypassing authentication. You’r victim could enable basic HTTP authentication and his website will ask you to enter login and password in popup window. Victim may previously publish login and password data for his users in VK/FB/Twitter and whatever social network.

-t or --timeout(defalut: 10):

Parameter to control connection’n’read timeout. This option also controls terminating time. Note: if you set timeout=1 or somewhere about 2-3 seconds, the slow(but still working) proxies will not have any time to even connect to your victim’s website and will not even hit it. If you still do not understand how it works – do not change this option. Also, this parameter regulates the intensiveness of requests you sending. So, if you sure your proxies are fast enough – you can reduce this value. Use this accordingly.


    A separate thread is created for each proxy address. The more proxies you use – the more threads you create. So, please, do not use way too much proxies. Otherwise, the script may exit abnormaly by meeting segmentation fault.



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