Hex-Rays IDA 6.6 cracked (includes decompilers)
IDA is the Interactive DisAssembler: the world's smartest and most feature-full disassembler, which many software security specialists are familiar with.
Written entirely in C++, IDA runs on the three major operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
IDA is also the solid foundation on which our second product, the Hex-Rays decompiler, is built.
The unique Hex-Rays decompiler delivers on the promise of high level representation of binary executables. It can handle real world code. It is real.
IDA Starter Licenses start at 589 USD or 449 EUR. IDA Professional Licenses start at 1129 USD / 869 EUR.
Written entirely in C++, IDA runs on the three major operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
IDA is also the solid foundation on which our second product, the Hex-Rays decompiler, is built.
The unique Hex-Rays decompiler delivers on the promise of high level representation of binary executables. It can handle real world code. It is real.
IDA Starter Licenses start at 589 USD or 449 EUR. IDA Professional Licenses start at 1129 USD / 869 EUR.
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