CyberGhost VPN

Just go open cheatengine, select the prcesss (cyberghost.exe) then enable speedhack and set it to 20 and click Ok or apply.

Then open up CyberGhost and just click enable protection and the free slot timer will be gone in no time.

first install cyberghost from , open cheatengine then click on the computer icon on top of the left hand side of cheat engine and browse cyberghost.exe and click open then on the right hand side you will see "Enable speedhack" check it and move the arrow towards right side to 20 or 50 and click apply ,once you done then you will see that your waiting time will be less than 5 seconds ..

Note :- Cheat engine is not a crack for cyberghost it only avoids the waiting time thats all !!

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CyberGhpst DL



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